Friday, August 16, 2019

Alien life from Earth? (part 5)

It has already been debated many times whether or not life on Earth may have originated from somewhere else, delivered through impact ejecta. Some believe that our universe might be in a perpetual state of cross-contamination. Perhaps it could also be seen as cross-pollination? We should expect that landing on an alien world will involve some sharing of microbes, even if we make every effort to sanitize the process. I always chuckle when I see scifi movies with people returning from an excursion on an alien planet, and then go through “decontamination” rooms before boarding their ship. Why do we assume that our decontamination process will work on all alien life? Plus, considering impact ejecta, if there is any alien life out there in the cosmos, there's a chance it might reach us on Earth someday, too! Maybe it already has?

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