Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Star Legation: Alien Languages (part 2)

In The Star Legation, the time context is at a point where the alien races are aware of each other, but the Interstellar Union has not yet come into existence. Several of the races have peaceful relations, some communication, and the beginnings of a trade relationship—these include the Humans, Reln, and Erwani. However, the Omul and Erwani hate each other, and the Krissethi and Chiraktis have been fighting wars over territory ever since they discovered they were neighbors. In this environment, it is difficult to believe that any of these cultures would share languages, but the Humans and Reln devised a language they could all speak, known as “Universal.” The Reln sent probes out to the other territories with information about the language, hoping to prepare the way in the future for diplomacy. I saw this effort as being somewhat similar to what NASA did with the Voyager probes, where they used two golden records to record sounds of Earth and greetings in 55 different languages. The Solar Echoes universe is farther into the future, so conveying an entire language to other alien races through a space probe did not seem unreasonable. How each alien race received this information, however, testifies to their values and personality...

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