Monday, June 10, 2019

Star Legation: Alien Languages (part 1)

One detail we often tacitly accept in science fiction is a common language. From Star Wars to Star Trek, very little attention is ever given to the likelihood that aliens will have a completely different language than ours. Often, this is bypassed in scifi by technology—since we're already imagining things far in the future, it's not a stretch to imagine that a universal translator exists, such as the babel fish from Doublas Adam's “Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.” We'd much rather get right to the story than be distracted by barriers to the story such as a realistic language problem. I faced this problem very briefly a few years ago when writing a Solar Echoes novel, but because the time context was during an era where all the aliens had met and were in an established alliance through the Interstellar Union, it made sense that they would have all found a universal language to speak, which is conveniently called, “Universal.” However, the time context of the story in the visual novel, The Star Legation, presented a more difficult language problem...

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