would a team be without some engineering knowledge? Considering that
the Solar Echoes universe is full of vehicles, robots, and all sorts
of other contraptions, engineering is often vital for success on a
mission. Engineering talents allow for a character to make quick
repairs to armor or vehicles, scrounge up necessary parts, jury-rig
vehicle systems to work temporarily, understand material properties
and gain armor piercing against objects, and even boost the
performance of weapons or starship systems. There are explosives
talents, where a character can learn to build a variety of
explosives, chain them together, conceal and disguise them, identify
and disarm them, and even have the ability to create explosives out
of common items. Another logic-related talent involves robotics,
where a character can identify weaknesses, hack into robots, confuse
or deactivate them, and even create your his robot servants, avatars,
or even a horde of robotic minions!