Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Developments in Solar Echoes

There are a few things we are working on right now for Solar Echoes, as I mentioned yesterday. One of them is the ability to play online, and we are putting together icon packs that can be used to play the game in online environments. We have some new artwork from an artist we recently hired to design the look of a few Solar Echoes vehicles. In addition to this, we will also have map icons that were designed by another artist, including floor tiles, objects, furniture, and other items. We've already been using these when we design our maps for our missions, and these maps will also be made available. There have been several successful tests in the online environments, so when we're up and running, we'll be sure to announce it. Now, people from all over the world will be able to play Solar Echoes together, though there is still that pesky issue of time zones to consider!

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