One of the most intriguing aspects of
designing a science fiction setting is imagining what strange
creatures might live out there beyond our planet. Whether for a story
or a game, the first thing that is usually focused upon are
intelligent aliens that have some form of civilization--these are the
aliens humanity is likely to come into contact with. However, after
all the design work is completed with intelligent alien races, the
next step is to design the various alien lifeforms that may exist in
the universe. These aliens are creatures or “animals” in a sense,
and are unlikely to ever form a civilization, design a starship, or
even develop a single tool. Entire science fiction films have been
written about encounters with a single alien lifeform (Pitch
Black,The Thing, Aliens, The Blob, to name a few), but imagine
exploring an entire universe filled with strange alien creatures!
This week, we'll take a look at some of the unusual lifeforms that
populate the Solar Echoes universe and learn about what inspired
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