Monday, November 11, 2019

Recycling Ideas (part 5)

Sequels wouldn’t exist if we disliked them. Often, we like the original material so much that we can’t wait to see it further expanded. As a game developer myself, I have already written many stories in the Solar Echoes universe to tell the massive story I have in mind—I know that the game has lots of growth opportunity, too, and I'm excited to see this happen. Someone like George Lucas conceived a huge story that needed many movies to tell, and the universe is still growing with multiple character stories, backstories, mid-stories, etc. Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings as such a massive tale that it was broken into three books. But sequels that are a forced afterthought because the first story was an unexpected success? Well, these are often less engaging and sometimes very disappointing, with fans shouting in anguish that the sequels should have never been made. Every once in a while something really special and unique is discovered among all the sequels and derivatives out there, and it's great that those creators are rewarded with success. However, we shouldn't begrudge them for eventually trying to enterprise on that success with a few sequels. Sometimes, sequels can be a true measure of whether a great idea will stand the test of time...or not.

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