Friday, July 26, 2019

VR Report (part 5)

Spiderman: Far From Home is a VR game trial that is free to download. No news of a full VR game release yet, but after playing this “demo” of sorts, I have to say that I'm ready to buy the game when it's ready. The graphics were sub-par, admittedly, but honestly, I didn't care very much because being Spiderman was an absolutely incredible experience! Jumping off that first skyscraper and falling towards the ground is a literal rush as you feel your heart jump into your throat, but this is soon followed by reaching out and shooting a web strand to a building. Suddenly you are swinging at tremendous speed between buildings, reaching out your other hand to shoot another web strand, and then another! Sometimes I'd shoot strands simultaneously, pull my arms in and vault myself straight up into the air. Other times I'd bring the strands together to create a giant, sticky web. And in some situations, I'd shoot flying drones out of the sky with little bursts of web from my wrist. It was all an incredible experience, and it further convinced me that THIS is what VR games should be about—being a different person and doing something incredible that you can't experience in real life (or maybe wouldn't want to risk!) As kids, we all imagined being someone else and pretended to be a police man, a cowboy, an astronaut, a knight, a superhero, a giant, a dragon, an alien from outer space, or anything else that felt impressive or fun. VR is the chance for us to pretend again, so game developers, please! Don't pump out another VR version of an existing game, and don't give us yet another wave shooter. I bought a VR headset because I wanted to immerse myself in new worlds as another person doing amazing things that aren't part of my normal, everyday life!

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