Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Cinematic Visual Novel (part 3)

An important aspect of any story is pacing. One of the downsides to visual novels is that the piece-by-piece presentation of a few dialogue lines at a time can become monotonous. If the character sprites don't highlight or have animation, it can even require extra attention to figure out who is speaking, looking over to the name above the text to be sure. The static positioning of the sprites, the stationary background art, and the clicking can make for a dull experience if the story isn't incredibly engaging, and as stories go, not every moment is going to be absolutely riveting. However, cinematography can help mitigate some of the repetitive nature of a VN by creating more movement for the viewer. For example, special emphasis can be given to a character by suddenly zooming in on their sprite to show the character's expression up close. There are also other techniques that can further enhance the experience...

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