Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Navigation in Space (part 6)

Ultimately, what I write in a science fiction novel or video game visual novel about navigation in space needs to be something my readers can follow. It is fiction, after all, and Solar Echoes is what we'd call “soft scifi” (as opposed to hard scifi) because it involves things like FTL, aliens, and starship dogfights. Still, I like to mix believable elements into this universe because we can suspend our disbelief only so far, if the recent “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” can be an example; bombs “falling” downward in space out of a bomber or Princess Leia entering a spaceship from space without the vacuum of space sucking everyone out into it...well, that's a bit too far of a stretch for me, even though I know it's a soft scifi space opera. Writing a story is very similar to making a game—you may want things to be as realistic and believable as possible, but in the end, they still need to be fun, understandable, and not prevent the audience from enjoying the experience. Although my visual novel is a very long way from being finished (think, next year maybe?), I've taken this learning experience about space navigation and included it in a way that gives you all a sideways wink. Hopefully it will make sense and maybe you'll get a little bit of a laugh from it, too! ;)

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