Thursday, August 2, 2018

Future Predictions (part 1/2)

As I was driving to work yesterday during my long commute, I heard an ad on the radio about Alexa, the AI device people are placing in their homes. Yes, Amazon and Google (with their device, called “Google Home”) archive all of the conversations you have near these listening devices, I was thinking about our options these days. We know that the internet is not private, and that Google and Facebook track our every move and click online, but the sanctity of our own homes and private conversations is easily violated by “Home Assistants” such as Alexa or Google Home. The simple answer—don't buy one, but it doesn't end there. Most recent TV's, now known as “smart TV's,” are connected to your home wifi and they do the very same thing—they listen in. There are options to supposedly disable this, but how do we know it really disables the function? The only way to be sure is to turn off your wifi. All of these devices require it, and if you want true privacy, then their connection to the outside world must be severed. It's rather troublesome, but you could disable wifi and hook up your router and use a Local Area Network (LAN) set up, with LAN cables connecting to the devices you want online. But can we really escape wifi...?

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