Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sci-fi reflects our future. Consider “Robocop” (part 4)

Our future already involves robotic upgrades to the human body—amputees use robotic prostheses in place of their limbs, and these mechanical appendages are linked directly into a person's nervous system to function in response to the owner's thoughts. Right now, such replacements make sense for those without limbs, but it won't be long before people are actively choosing to upgrade themselves. What will we do when athletes decided to replace parts of their body with more powerful, robotic substitutes? Will we judge athletic events with the same standards that we do now? It is foreseeable that the military may begin to require certain robotic upgrades or implants in their soldiers. It is even possible that government-run health care may begin to mandate robotic replacements for certain health-related situations. The more technology advances, the more it will be integrated into our lives, and possibly our bodies. Is this a future we are ready to embrace?

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