Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Gaming Community (part 4/5)

Have you ever talked to a gamer about their favorite game? Be careful, and be prepared, because you're in for a very, very long speech. We gamers love talking about our favorite games and gaming experiences, and we do so with such fervency and passion that it utterly confuses us why the listener's eyes start to glaze over after a few minutes. Gamers connect through their personal experiences in a game, and sharing these stories is something that makes gaming communities thrive. We remember these experiences vividly, too, so all it takes is a single image or tune from a game to bring it all back. Sadly, we gamers often feel like the amazing stories we've experienced in a game aren't known by enough people, and it's often this feeling of being in an isolated niche that causes gamers to bond more quickly with someone who relates.

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