Wednesday, October 17, 2018

VR Game Review, Creed: Rise to Glory (part 3)

So what is Creed like, as a game? There's an option to do “Career,” which I haven't chosen yet because it sounds like a big time commitment. There's an online opponent mode, where you can fight other players live, but I have little interest in multiplayer video games, especially when a lot of online players are immature teens with no filter. So far, I've just selected “Free Play,” which starts me out in a boxing gym. I'm represented with the full-body avatar of a rather buff boxer wearing boxing shorts, shoes, and gloves. I can walk around the gym by swinging my arms back and forth like I'm walking, and my avatar's legs move in tandem. I can click-turn quickly, which is nice because it doesn't induce any motion sickness. In the gym, there are a bunch of workout stations: two heavy punching bags hanging from the ceiling, two humanoid-torso dummies, two round punching bags suspended at eye level by cords attached to the ceiling and floor, and a treadmill. Plus, there's a boxing ring, which you can go inside and train with a trainer-guy holding punching mitts that you have to strike. Oh, and did I mention the trainer looks exactly like Sylvester Stallone? It turns out, Creed is based on the movie, “Creed,” which features Stallone as Rocky Balboa. Usually games based on a movie are terrible, but I have to say, I've been impressed with this one!

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