Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Introducing Kids to TTRPG’s (part 3)

What can be done? I dislike being a salesman when I have to do it, but I’m involved in industries that sometimes require it of me. I’ve attended many gaming conventions and often spend time telling people about my TTRPG, Solar Echoes. I once heard some advice about the mindset a salesman needs to have, and it was this: “You’re not trying to sell something to someone, you’re just making them aware of something they didn’t know that they already really want and enjoy!” With that mindset, we can spread the word about TTRPG’s, not with the intent to sell them, but with the intent to make this younger generation more aware of these great games. When my daughter was younger, she invited a group of five friends over to our home to play Solar Echoes, and though only 1 of the girls had ever played a TTRPG, they all had a great time and played for hours, totally engaged in the game. I’ve gone to a club at a college to run a demo of Solar Echoes, and was invited back to coach one of the club members and help her learn to GM a game by herself. I’ve been invited to speak at several conventions about RPG game design, which has been great for increasing awareness about TTRPG’s. I’ve also talked to a lot of the kids I meet about RPG’s, showing them pictures of the game art and photos of the game being played by others, describing to them how it works. Having a presence on social media helps, too, and putting up related photos on things like instagram helps to further expose kids to TTRPG’s.

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