Tuesday, October 16, 2018

VR Game Review, Creed: Rise to Glory (part 2)

The trouble with my job is that I sit most of the time, whether it's in the car for my long commute or at a computer. I don't have an issue with my weight, but because I've gotten so busy with work (and life), I don't even have time to attend martial arts classes anymore, which was my primary form of exercise. I'm not like some people, who can go for long runs or go to the gym to work out. For me, exercise has to really engage my brain and be interesting for me to do it. Otherwise, I can't make myself do something that—to me—is utterly boring, especially if I have a choice not to and I don't have the incentive of a need to lose weight. I do recognize that I need to stay healthy, though, and get some cardio in, so Creed was my attempt at finding some engaging exercise. Wow, was I surprised at how great of a solution this game has become! In less than thirty minutes, I was breathing hard and sweating noticeably (and I'd like to mention that it takes a lot for me to work up a sweat!)

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