Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Thank you Balticon friends!

I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day yesterday. A quick note: Yesterday I sent out some complimentary gifts from RPGnow.com to everyone who left their name and email address with me. If you didn't receive it, it's either because I couldn't read your writing (and the email bounced back) or you didn't leave your info with me. The convention at Balticon was extremely busy, and I ran games for a total of 29 hours over 2 and a half days. Both Saturday and Sunday I ran games for a full 12 hours straight, and I must say, I was fried by the end. I took Memorial Day off and recovered at home—you may not know it, but I'm actually an introvert, which means that I get very drained by interacting with more than one person at a time. Running Solar Echoes games with anywhere from 4 to 8 players can be really exciting, but was also very mentally exhausting and is contrary to my reclusive nature. I was very fortunate that there were so many great people that chose to play Solar Echoes this weekend, and everyone made it a fun and exciting experience. Despite my exhaustion, I was extremely happy to see that Solar Echoes was popular with so many people, and it's extremely rewarding for me to see everyone enjoying the game. There were even some returning players from previous years that brought their old characters with them to play again. After everything was over Sunday night (which finished with an 8-player group and a big, 5-hour mission on the Krissethi planet, Sa'mesh), I was sad to leave and I will miss everyone a lot. Thanks so much for making Balticon such a memorable experience for me! The rest of this week, I'll be talking about updates and future developments for Solar Echoes, so stay tuned...

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