Monday, May 7, 2018

Envisioning the Future (part 1)

When we look at some of the technological advances in recent years, they might not seem as groundbreaking as they really are. We've quickly grown accustomed to smartphones, for example, and an entire younger generation is growing up with them assuming society has always been this way. Kids born only a decade earlier may remember a time without smartphones, but can't imagine what it was like before the internet. And a couple decades before that, the availability of home video game consoles and home computers was just beginning to develop. Technology is moving fast, yet it is difficult for us to look a decade or two forward and really have a good idea about what is coming. Many technological developments--such as the smart phone or home computer--involved entire paradigm shifts by visionaries like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates (who made home computers more accessible with Windows). It's doubtful that even they saw the huge changes our society would undergo with their innovations and the developments of others. Looking ahead ten or twenty years, can we accurately foresee what our society will be like, with all the fast-moving technological developments we've been seeing hints of today?

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