Thursday, April 26, 2018

Shattering Expectations while Innovating (part 4)

Don't try too hard to be creative or original. If you feel you have a lack of ideas and your attempt to be creative is to do something extreme, keep in mind that extreme or weird doesn't necessarily equal creative. I have seen children do this before in art projects, where they can't come up with anything but desperately don't want to do what everyone else is doing, so they do something that is so odd it ends up being worse than if they had just stuck with the mundane. Creativity can't be forced, and often, it emerges from the ordinary. As an exercise, imagine a scene from a movie or a story you've read, and imagine things playing out differently because of a small variation or problem that occurs. You can try writing your own straightforward situation and then think of an “alternate history” butterfly-effect event that could send things into a totally different direction. Start with small variations, and work from there, instead of throwing a sudden, huge twist into the mix.

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