Monday, October 16, 2017

VR Report

It's been a while since I've written anything about Virtual Reality, but I've been active with it, and have been watching for any new pieces of VR news. In the past, I've given a very positive review to the tower-defense game Ancient Amuletor and to the team game Star Trek: Bridge Crew. I've been trying to keep my library of VR games diverse so that I can experience different game styles, especially when there are way too many VR games that are now known as “wave based shooters.” With only a month away for Skyrim VR's release, I figured now was a good time to talk about some of the other VR games and experiences I've been enjoying. Last week, Sony had a VR game sale, so I purchased three different games: Fated ($5), I Expect You to Die ($10), and Arizona Sunshine ($20). I've had a lot of fun, and wanted to share some of my observations with you, if you've been considering getting a VR headset or already have one and are thinking about new games to try...

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