Monday, December 5, 2016

Shorehammer—A Weekend Among Warriors (part 1)

This past weekend, from Friday through Sunday, I attended the Shorehammer Wargaming convention in Ocean City. I was invited by the convention organizer, Scott, whom I met several years ago at the Farpoint convention when he purchased the Solar Echoes Player's Guide. Scott asked me to run Solar Echoes demos and I also had the chance to host a panel discussion, where I talked about “Making Your Own RPG.” This weekend was a blast, and I am honestly shocked that it was the first time the convention had been run! Everything was incredibly well-organized and never felt rushed. It was my first time seeing gamers playing Warhammer, and I realized how involved and precise the game is. Gamers had brought their own highly-detailed miniatures, painted with incredible skill. Maps and battle areas featured impressive terrain, buildings, and other features that players would strategically move through with their armies. And on the last day of the convention, an award ceremony was given to reward tournament winners as well as the winners of the best-painted miniatures competition. Everyone I met at the convention was very friendly, and there was a gamer-comradery that rivaled that of other conventions I've attended. Shorehammer was an awesome experience, and I highly recommend you reserve the first weekend of December 2017 for next year's convention!

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