Monday, September 8, 2014

Artificial Intelligence already creeping into our society (part 1)

There was recently an unexpected event caused by the Artificial Intelligence on the International Space Station. Two satellites were launched without human permission—the AI had been programmed to launch the cubesat satellites on a regular schedule, but apparently this schedule was delayed by the humans aboard the ISS for various reasons. The AI got “tired of waiting” and decided to launch the satellites anyway to try to maintain its schedule. This incident may seem small, but the ramifications are enormous. When we have an AI system plugged in to something as delicate as a Space Station making decisions that could potentially endanger humans, we have a very big problem. For instance, what if there was a structural situation on the space station that warranted the interruption in the satellite launch schedule, and the AI ignored human input to halt the schedule? In that situation, launching a satellite could have torn the structure apart, created a hull breach, and doomed the humans aboard to the vacuum of space.

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