Friday, May 17, 2019

Vorpal Board Battle Report (part 5)

Today I'm wrapping up the battle report from last Saturday's Solar Echoes demo on Vorpal Board.
At the end of the warehouse skirmish, 2 of the 3 thugs were defeated but the gang leader escaped in a skimcar. The gun running Reln, Mikan, was cowering in an office he'd locked himself into, so, after healing up, Andrea's Reln began to try to talk him down. She made solid progress using her Persuasion skill, choosing a careful diplomatic approach to raise Mikan's posture. She also used her Fast Talker talent, giving her the bonus she needed to counter the Reln's natural Influence ability. At one point, Mike's Omul made a Resourcefulness check and came up with a good idea, but when he voiced this in front of Mikan, he had to make a Persuasion check. As good as the idea was, it didn't survive the Omul's low Influence ability, so the check failed. In the end, though, Andrea's Reln was able to finally convince Mikan to surrender information to them, and their mission ended with a partial success. Partial, because the gang leader had escaped with a car loaded up with the illegal weapons!

Overall, I think the game went really well, and I was impressed with how James handled GMing, especially considering it was his first time! Though everything started a bit slow as the players acclimated to the game system, they all got the hang of it and it started to flow as they became immersed in the scenario. One thing that new players of Solar Echoes don't usually notice at first is how crucial it is to work as a team, and though these new players did that well in most circumstances, they didn't help each other out with injuries, which really dropped the effectiveness of the team for a while. Despite this, however, both players were able to use their characters in different ways throughout the game, and at the end, I think they all had fun. Here are their comments when James asked his players what they thought of the game at the end:

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