Monday, May 13, 2019

Vorpal Board Battle Report (part 1)

If you missed the Solar Echoes demo game last Saturday night at 9pm, you can watch it at youtube here:
It was so cool seeing how the Vorpal Board online gaming system allowed them to use the actual game pieces, including the map, miniatures, and scanned phase cards! The system allowed for the two remote players, Andrea and Mike, to use their cursors to indicate where they wanted to move on the map, and James would update the positions of their miniatures.

It was also a lot of fun watching the Vorpal Board creator, James, GMing Solar Echoes for the first time for two players that had also never played it before (and one of them, Andrea, had never played an RPG, either!) James was well-prepared with the rules and understood how to keep the game moving, and though it took some time for the players to acclimate to the new system, they eventually started to get a good feel for it, especially once they entered the warehouse around 1:15:30 into the game. Prior to that, though, they managed to deal with an aggressive security robot that was patrolling the perimeter outside. When they first saw it in front of the warehouse, they were able to view it while remaining unseen using stealth. Mike used his Robot ID talent and recognized the model, realizing that it could move extremely fast with a sprint and that it had a weakness to light shining directly on its sensors. What will the team do with this information? Watch the video, or find out in tomorrow's battle analysis!

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