Thursday, June 14, 2018

Censorship or Complete Freedom? (part 4)

A gamer in favor of complete freedom on Steam posted about “prudish whiners,” saying, “If they see a game they don't like, all they have to do is not buy it.” Yet another gamer posted, “This just makes the platform more prone to even more garbage and Steam really doesn't need more garbage.” It is true that people can “vote” their objections by simply not purchasing something they object to, but as the second gamer posted, there will be more and more “garbage” to deal with. It is no doubt that the removal of censorship will result in a massive influx of garbage onto the platform, and though people can choose not to purchase it, they will still have to wade through it to find what they are looking for. Garbage can crowd out good material, and as this happens, it is likely that there will be a shift in the type of gamers that make use of Steam. Some will simply abandon the platform altogether as it fills up with garbage, while a new user-base seeking that garbage will arrive and dominate. As this shift occurs, game developers will play to the market on Steam, and more garbage will be made to accommodate those that seek it. Eventually, some developers seeking an audience for their “non-garbage” games will leave, or alter their trajectory entirely and make garbage themselves to keep up with demand.

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