Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Shorehammer 2017, Saturday Dec. 2

Saturday seemed like the biggest day at Shorehammer to me, because there were three Highlander Games and a “Brutality Skirmish” Tournament in the early evening. The game tables were full, with Warhammer players hovering over the detailed war-torn terrain models, moving their armies carefully across the battlefields while measuring exact ranges and rolling dice to determine the fate of their troops. During all this, I ran Solar Echoes games in the other room with those that had free time—some that had finished their Warhammer games, others that were family members of the warriors in the other room, and some that were vendors that had some free time because everyone else was so involved in the massive battles being fought. I ran a demo mission for new players, and later, some old friends from last year and a few other new players joined me for Operation: Void Hunter. My plan was to run Void Hunter to prepare them for the new Operation: Broken Citadel mission I wanted to run on Sunday, a mission that is a continuation of the Void Hunter story. I had everyone level their characters up to level 3 so they could handle Void Hunter, and we had a lot of fun. There were some very memorable moments in this mission...

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