Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Not a Hack and Slash Game (part 2)

From the very initial design of the game, one of the core premises we insisted on was that this was going to be a game based on achieving mission objectives. In most RPG's, experience points (XP=points that level up your character so they can be further customized to become more powerful and capable) are awarded for killing bad guys, and the more difficult the bad guy or the higher level a threat he is, the more XP you are rewarded for killing him. The more you kill, the more XP you get, and the better your character becomes so you can take on even tougher enemies with higher amounts of XP. It's very circular, and is great for video games especially, because it has an addictive drive to it that keeps you coming back for challenge after challenge. After all, we love seeing our characters develop, and if the currency for development is slaughtering hordes of evil monsters, then off we rush to the dungeons (or wherever). Is an RPG without this lure even capable of being fun?

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