Thursday, February 27, 2014

Why Sci-Fi? (part 4)

Should Solar Echoes be considered “hard sci-fi?” First, let's define that term: Hard sci-fi “is characterized by an emphasis on scientific or technical detail, or on scientific accuracy, or on both.” (Wikipedia) Soft sci-fi, on the other hand, “refers to science fiction stories which lack a scientific focus or rigorous adherence to known science.” Solar Echoes is a mixture, to be honest. In our universe, Faster Than Light speed (FTL) is common, and exists without time-travel paradoxes. Though this would seem to strongly lean towards soft sci-fi because it violates known laws, there are many examples of FTL that can be found in stories considered as hard sci-fi. The existence of numerous advanced alien civilizations in the Solar Echoes universe also leans towards soft sci-fi, yet this is also not exclusive to the soft sci-fi categorization. However, Solar Echoes is largely based around the currently understood laws of the universe—black holes will crush matter to oblivion and starship fusion engines can't be overclocked for more power, for example.

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