Friday, February 14, 2014

Debriefing (part 5)

The gang leader immediately took cover behind his vehicle and ignored the Omul's warning that he would fire his rotary canon at him. The gangster must have figured the Omul wouldn't use the powerful vehicle weapon in a public place, for risk of hitting other cars on the freeway. The gang leader fired his assault rifle at the Omul, who barely managed to duck in time as the windshield was shattered. However, the gangster was quite surprised when the Omul returned fire with the rotary cannon, shredding the entire rear half of the skimcar and nearly hitting him. He quickly surrendered in disbelief, wondering how a UG agent could fire a heavy vehicle weapon near civilians. Shortly after, the Human and Krissethi agent caught up, and the gang leader was apprehended. After some clever interrogation attempts, the team was able to determine that a group of smugglers was waiting at the starport for the gun shipment.

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