Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why Sci-Fi? (part 2)

Consider one of my favorite quotes from my wife, also a sci-fi fan: “There's nothing better than good sci-fi, but there's also nothing worse than bad sci-fi.” So true! But what is good or bad? We all have our favorite styles. Some love the corny style of “Lost in Space,” while others insist on the hard sci-fi of “2001: A Space Odyssey.” There are Star Trek fans, and there are Star Wars fans. There are even debates between loyalist factions around particular sci-fi icons about which would win in a fight—Aliens vs. Predator, for example. Some of the most heated arguments over preferences and categorizations can be found among the sci-fi community, probably more so than with any other genre. There are obviously a lot of challenges to overcome in order to gather a following around a new sci-fi universe. With so much disagreement and disparity, why risk an endeavor in a genre with such a volatile fan base? Our hope is that the sci-fi crowd will recognize our love for this genre and see it expressed in everything we've designed. We might not capture everyone's interest, but even if a small fraction of the sci-fi community enjoys our universe, it is worth it. Having fans fuels us to write more, develop further, and continue creating with the same fervor we had when we started.

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