Monday, December 16, 2019

Writing Relatable Scifi (part 1)

How do you relate to science fiction? Do you consider it as a far fetched, unlikely or impossible scenario conjured up in the feverish mind of some nerdy writer who is hopelessly enamored with technology, aliens, and outer space? Or do you consider science fiction as more of a solace for the dystopic, doomsday alarmist that believes the end of everything we know is just around the corner? The answer may be some, none, or all of the above, but for the science fiction writer, the challenge is to engage you, whatever your preference or bias might be, and that usually starts with setting the terms of reality. Deviate too far from something relatable, and your science fiction is on the fast-track to fantasy. Stay too grounded in reality, and your scifi might be classified as contemporary. This week, I'll cover a few steps that might help you write scifi in a way that appeals to a wider audience...

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