Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Why “Star Legation?”

Some have asked me this question, and I know “legation” is not a common or well-known word. I chose it for several reasons, one of course being that I needed a unique name for the game. The other reason I chose legation is that it perfectly describes the purpose of the group of characters journeying across the stars. If you haven't already looked it up, a legation is defined like this:
  1. The act of sending a legate
  2. A diplomatic mission in a foreign country
    -The diplomatic minister and staff of such a mission.
As you can read in the “Story” section of the page, this all takes place during a difficult time when the different alien races are discovering each other. Two of the races—the Reln and Humans—agree that an Interstellar Union (ISU) must be formed to facilitate peace and trade among all the races. The Reln and Humans both select one person to represent them in a legation. That legation must journey across the universe into alien territory and extend the invitation to the other races, collecting a representative from each before returning to form the ISU.

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