Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Trials of VN Game Development (part 4)

In addition to the progress being made on Project 7 so far, I have been looking into what it takes to bring this game over to consoles. My first target is PC's, and I will release the game for sale on Steam when it's completed. However, I have always had a special admiration for the Playstation Vita handheld console, which is well-known for its many RPG and VN games. Lately, the Vita seems to be losing support for physical game releases, but digital releases are still doing quite well and the Vita has a hardcore, dedicated fanbase, the size of ¼ the number of PS4 owners. I've been looking into what it takes to bring a game to the Vita, and it isn't cheap (at least, not by small game studio standards!) $2500 for a Vita Development Kit and $1000 for a Vita Testing Kit. I've got the rest of the requirements covered, which includes owning an actual company so I can register with Sony as an official game developer. But from what I've been learning, bringing an ios game over to a console is not an easy task for a programmer with limited skills and experience like myself. That may require an additional hire for Project 7, which would need to be crowdfunded if it's going to happen.

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