The social gamer
is much more interested in interaction with others, whether online or
in person. Social gamers gravitate towards games where they can be
involved with a group of friends or a like-minded community. Online
multiplayer games often allow teams or guilds to form, and social
gamers thrive in these situations. Offline games might involve family
and friends playing a video game together on a couch, or convening
around a table to play cards, board games, or role-playing games.
Although not all social gamers are competitive, most competitive
gamers are social gamers, constantly seeking opportunities to show
off their skills and to compare them with others.
![Solar Echoes RPG](
As seven alien races struggle to co-exist in an uneasy alliance, the Inter-Stellar Union sends Union Guard agents on missions to preserve the crucial balance. These specialized operatives must do what regional security cannot, dealing with smugglers, pirates, terrorists, and even greater challenges in order to bring stability to a universe that needs it desperately. Without the Union Guard, the races will not be prepared to face a looming alien threat they can only hope to defeat together.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
What type of gamer are you? (Part 3)
The solo gamer
prefers to game alone, to set and achieve his own goals in his own
time. Quite often, solo gamers are "hardcore" gamers,
seeking to acquire all possible virtual trophies and achievements for
their favorite games, or to rise to the top of public leader boards
with their high scores. The solo gamer is also the type that plays
games for the story experience, and enjoys unlocking every possible
option available in a game, leaving nothing uncovered when they
finally finish the game. These gamers are often known as “hardcore”
because of their dedication to solving a game and getting everything
they can out of it--this devotion can sometimes border on obsessive.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
What type of gamer are you? (Part 2)
Casual gamers are
one of the newest arrivals to the class of gamers. A casual gamer is
the kind of person who will pull out her smartphone while waiting on
the subway or while waiting in a parking lot to pick up her kid after
school. This kind of gamer might play a game on a tablet late at
night in bed, or in other circumstances where there's just a little
time to kill. Casual gamers are seen by the industry as gateway
gamers--if they can be hooked, they might transform into more serious
gamers, willing to pay more than a couple dollars for a game. But
casual gamers still contribute enormous profits to the industry
because there are so many of them.
Monday, March 28, 2016
What type of gamer are you? (Part 1)
If you like games, then you are among many. Gaming has seen tremendous growth and is no longer considered to have the social stigma it did years ago. Casual gaming with smartphone apps, hardcore gaming on PC's and consoles, and even table-top board games and role-playing games are all part of a very successful market in the entertainment industry. Yet within the gaming market, there are several different demographics of gamers. Which type are you?...
Friday, March 25, 2016
The Ripples of Social Technology (part 5)
On the plus side,
research has shown that families are actually becoming closer as a
result of technology. Children and parents are able to text and
communicate 24/7, and sharing photos and videos has allowed for
familes to become more a part of each other's lives. Yet research has
also shown that parents and kids both are feeling a hunger for more
face-to-face time. While it is debatable that the internet and
texting is causing us to become more disconnected from each other, it
is definitely clear that we now have an entirely different social
environment surrounding us than our parents did in their generation.
Manners, privacy, and discretion are concepts that we now must make
more of an effort to maintain, coupled with the other challenges that
come with having so much digital presence and interaction. Our
society is changing quickly. How is our humanity changing with it?
Thursday, March 24, 2016
The Ripples of Social Technology (part 4)
How many times
have you heard about someone losing their job because of posted
comments on social media? You've also no doubt experienced phishing
scams—though hopefully haven't been the victim of one—perpetrated
through your own inbox. Cyber-bullying, computer viruses, NSA
monitoring—these are just a few of the other concerns that come
with the use of the internet and texting. Location stamps and other
private information through social media and our phones provide
stalkers (and worse) with easy access to our lives and those of our
children. Advertisers are also enterprising on the lowering of our
guard, as the last shreds of our privacy are being stripped away.
Even our own “smart” TV's actually monitor and record the
conversations we have around it, and then feed that data to the
manufacturer. (Don't believe me? Just Google “Samsung Smart TV
Listening) With all this technology comes great sacrifice, but are we
concerned enough about what we've already lost?
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
The Ripples of Social Technology (part 3)
One advantage of
texting is that it provides a digital record of the conversation,
which became very useful for us just last week when dealing with
Comcast. My wife was trying to set things up for her mother last
week, and live-chatted with a tech who made promises for certain
channels and internet access. Without going into the long details
about how Comcast constantly lied to us and gave us a continual
run-around, my wife was able to use the live-chat transcript and
email it to the supervising manager to ensure that Comcast kept their
word. In legal situations, email and texting records are extremely
useful in providing the necessary evidence of claims. In this era, it
is much easier to “get things in writing,” though it is easy to
wonder if the internet itself has spawned more distrust because of
the faceless anonymity it provides.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
The Ripples of Social Technology (part 2)
tablet computers, and other devices used to access the internet have
actually seemed to separate us more than bring us together. People
prefer texts to email, and email to phone calls—the less we have to
deal with someone in person, it seems, the “better.” Couples
waiting together in line or at a doctor's office are often totally
focused on their phones, texting or browsing seperately rather than
talking with each-other. Even video games are moving away from
multi-player experiences with other people in the same room to
online-only mutliplayer—it's been a challenge for me to find a game
these days that I can play at home with my friends or family in
person. The more connective technology we get, the less we interact
with real people. Texting, chatrooms, and email have all broken down
social boundaries in our society, and things you would never
comfortably say or even dare to say in person are suddenly easy. Will
we eventually lose the ability to deal with people directly, and will
politeness be a thing of the past?
Monday, March 21, 2016
The Ripples of Social Technology (part 1)
The other day I
talked with a teen, 15 years old, who had his phone taken away from
him as a punishment by his parents. He was telling me he couldn't
talk to his girlfriend because he couldn't text her. I asked him if
he could call from his home phone, or send her an email, and I was
informed that this was “not cool.” When I suggested he try
talking to her at school, he looked at me like I was crazy, and told
me that he and his girlfriend—of 3 months so far--”usually
texted” and didn't talk much. I've been hearing from other parents
recently that their kids only text each other, and from what I've
seen with my own teen daughter, this does seem to be the norm.
Texting does have its merits—it's quick, efficient, and people
usually respond quickly. But does the de-personalization of texting
and its faceless, “digital wall” socially impact us and the next
Friday, March 18, 2016
Are We Paying Attention? (part 5)
recently, South Korean Lee Se-dol (the world's greatest “Go”
player) was beaten 3 out of 5 games by the AI, “AlphaGo.” The
game of Go has been played by humans for over 3,000 years, and AI
mastery of the game was believed to be at least a decade away. Yet
AlphaGo taught itself to play the game by playing it against itself
millions of times to learn and correct its weaknesses. The AI was
able to teach itself from an amateur player to a world champion in
less than a year. Some have projected that the singularity—the
event when AI surpasses all human control and understanding—is
within our lifetime, with dates ranging as early as 2027 to as late
as 2045. Considering previous projections about AI (AlphaGo, for
instance, projected to take ten years longer than it did to achieve
Go mastery), it is reasonable to assume that the current rate of
progression in AI technology is going to accelerate beyond our
expectations. We need to do something, now, and not be reactive to a
situation we may find has quickly moved beyond our control. I've
always considered science fiction as a warning. Are we paying
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Are We Paying Attention? (part 4)
years ago, roboticists from Canada's Clearpath Robotics promised that
they will not build robots for military use. On the company website,
a declaration was made: “To the people against killer robots: we
support you.” Though promising not to build the Terminator is a
positive step, military use of AI is rampant, with strike-drones
already being near-autonomous. As an example, the British military
drone, the Taranis, is an unmanned attack aircraft able to fly itself
halfway around the world and select enemy targets on its own. The
U.S. military aimed to have at least 30 percent of its ground forces
weapon systems automated by the end of last year. Though the military
insists that they still retain control of deciding when to fire a
weapon system, the progressively autonomous nature of drone AI design
raises serious concerns.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Are We Paying Attention? (part 3)
1975, molecular biologists met at the Asilomar Conference on
Recombinant DNA, where they agreed on standards for scientific
research. These standards were intended to prevent the design of
manmade, genetically modified organisms that would pose a threat to
the public. We need similar standards in place with regard to AI
development, and though the conference in Puerto Rico was a start,
the chat was far from the conclusive nature of the Asilomar
Conference. Artificial Intelligence is quickly becoming a serious
threat, where Seed AI is capable of self-modification, able to
program itself and optimize its own cognitive functions. Unless we
take significant measures to design AI architecture to be “human
friendly,” our future may depend on the conditions we create for it
through AI development.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Are We Paying Attention? (part 2)
conference in Puerto Rico was called by Elon Musk for those building
products with advanced AI. Musk asked for a pledge to consider the
ethical implications of AI research, and an open letter was signed by
participants, promising AI research will be conducted for good while
“avoiding potential pitfalls.” Musk has also signed the letter,
pledging his dedication to “AI Safety.” Nine researchers from the
Google-acquired AI research company, DeepMind, also signed the
letter, though Google has been very secretive about its ambitions
with DeepMind. The letter outlined research priorities for AI, such
as its economic and legal implications, as well as the security of AI
systems. What measures are in place to prevent trading algorithms
from crashing the stock market? How will self-driving vehicles impact
the job market for taxi cab and bus drivers? Questions like these are
being considered to help prevent AI systems from taking over
blue-collar jobs. Still, well-intentioned pledges don't exactly
comfort me as much as a restrictive global law.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Are We Paying Attention? (part 1)
The progress of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing much faster than predicted. Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking are concerned that we will be facing an AI apocalypse someday, with computers taking over the world. In the past five years, a branch of AI algorithms known as deep neural networks have been integrated into AI-driven products at the center of our lives. Google, Facebook, and Microsoft are investing heavily in AI research in a tech race seeking smarter computers. Android's speech recognition, Skype's instant translation capabilities, and Google's self-driving cars are just a sampling of how AI is being integrated into our daily lives. Should we really be concerned? What is being done?
Friday, March 11, 2016
Do You Like Rogue-Likes? (part 5)
seen some innovation in roguelikes lately. Rogue Legacy, for
instance, explains the repeated character death by indicating each
character you play is the next generation of a long line of ancestors
that have been dying in their attempts to survive the dungeon
(cleverly enough, each new character you play has a different name,
look, and class.) The roguelike space-shooter Galak-Z lets you earn
“crash coins” that roll-over to your next playthrough, and
blueprints you discover for ship upgrades can be purchased when just
starting out using these coins. The steampunk roguelike Ironcast also
has a form of roll-over currency you can use to purchase passive
abilities, new pilots, or even new ironcast mechs. However, in all
roguelikes, your mileage may vary, depending on the kind of gamer you
are. One of the biggest RPG draws for me is that I can continually
grow and develop my character—I get a little attached to him, and
his stuff. I don't like losing almost everything I earned, and I
don't like trying to invest myself in a new character each time. For
me, it feels a bit like I suspect it would be to live with a family
that moves around a lot: it's hard to let yourself make new friends
and get close to them when you know that you might have to leave and
never see them again. Yet, despite my tendency to get attached to my
character in a game, somehow, I still find myself playing roguelikes.
They can be a bit addictive for the determined side of us that
demands “just one more try!”
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Do You Like Rogue-Likes? (part 4)
I know what some of you are thinking: “Wouldn't this get dull and
repetitive fast?” That didn't seem to bother most of us in the
80's, but today it might sound like a chore, especially when you
don't have tons of adolescent time to burn during middle-school
summer-breaks. Roguelike game designers have addressed this issue
fairly well within the game design by making most of it
procedurally-generated (ie, randomly generated.) The game is almost a
new game every time you play it, which does keep it interesting, and
challenging. I think I was able to finish Ghosts 'n Goblins because
technology 30 years ago wasn't advanced enough to make things
procedurally generated. Each game session had the exact same level
design, monsters, and attack patterns, so I could learn the timing of
the patterns and know how to navigate them like an expert.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Do You Like Rogue-Likes? (part 3)
roguelike is a little different from the brutally difficult and
unforgiving video games of the 80's. You do have to start all over
from the beginning if you die (and you only have 1 life, not 3), but,
roguelikes let some of your progress accumulate. There is still a way
to “level up” your character, and often the skills you
earn/unlock become abilities you can access again upon restarting,
though often for a price. For instance, if your character makes it to
level 2 and finds a rocket-launcher but then dies horribly, when you
restart, the game might present you with the option to purchase the
rocket launcher with the money you've earned so far—usually money
stays around after you die in a roguelike, so you can continually
accrue wealth. Now, your wimpy level 1 character isn't so wimpy—he
has a rocket-launcher, after all! Progressing forward becomes a
little easier with each death, and each time, you earn better stuff.
This is the idea behind a roguelike: Keep trying, keep dying, but
eventually, you'll be overpowered and breezing through levels better
and better with each attempt.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Do You Like Rogue-Likes? (part 2)
the surface, roguelikes do share many of the same characteristics as
games in the larger RPG genre. However, one big difference is that,
when your character dies in a roguelike, you usually lose all of your
progress and have to start again at the beginning. While I've never
experienced a roguelike in a table-top RPG setting (maybe some
exist?) I've definitely played a few as video games. Initially, the
concept of having to start all over from the beginning might remind
some of you (from my generation) of the punishing difficulty of early
video games in the 1980's, like “Ghosts 'n Goblins.” In that
game, you had only 3 lives, and if you meant to solve the game, you
had to go through the entire game using only those 3 lives. If you
lost all 3 lives, that was it, GAME OVER, back to the very beginning
for you! Imagine how frustrated I was to finally beat the end boss
and learn that to win the game, I had to go through the entire game a
SECOND time! And yes, I did, I solved that thing finally back when I
was a kid. These days, I don't have that kind of insane patience
anymore, nor the time! To enjoy a roguelike, do you need patience
like that?...
Monday, March 7, 2016
Do You Like Rogue-Likes? (part 1)
you're unfamiliar with the genre of video games known as
“roguelikes,” it is really a subgenre of role-playing games. The
most defining characteristic of a roguelike is the permanent death of
the player-character, though this at first doesn't sound like
anything unusual—character death is a common penalty for not
playing a game well enough to survive its challenges. However, where
roguelikes differ from other RPG's is that the only way to make
progress in the game is to die. Continually. Over and over. In a
normal RPG, though it may be challenging to keep your character
alive, the game is designed to allow skilled and patient players to
advance their character, steadily accumulating new abilities, more
powerful items, and often more “hit-points.” Roguelikes can be
said to be the same at first glance, but the game designers created
challenges in the game that you can only hope to defeat after your
character has been defeated countless times. What exactly is the
difference, and is a roguelike the kind of game for you?
Friday, March 4, 2016 The Solar Echoes Alien Character Pack
Play Solar Echoes online at! This character pack includes 21 character map icons, with 3 of each race (7 in full color!) by artists Jay Darnell, Sarah Carter, and John Fell.
Check them out:
Tabletop RPG’s Online (part 5)
great feature of is the ability to make appointments and
sign up for specific games. Once I have everything prepared for a
mission, I plan to set up a few games for players to try Solar Echoes
online. I’m still learning the features on Roll20, and I’ve
already found a few scripts that people have written—like the
ammunition tracker script—that I plan to implement, in addition to
a script macro for the unusual dice rolling mechanic used in Solar
Echoes. With, I can play games with friends across the
country, or even in another country! If you’re interested in trying
it out, let me know, and I’ll set a game up for us!
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Tabletop RPG’s Online (part 4)
you visit the webpage, you’ll find that they’ve made
available an impressive program that mimics the table-top
environment. This virtual table-top design allows for players to
connect online and use webcams (or simple chat, if a webcam isn’t
available) to play together at their PC. The GM and players can move
icons representing their characters around, roll virtual dice on the
screen, and record game information in various ways. Pre-made icons
can be brought in by the GM, or purchased in the
marketplace. These icons can also be used to track damage, effects,
and other details during the game. The GM can spontaneously draw or
bring in his own maps, and can even use features like fog of war and
dynamic lighting to increase immersion. Solar Echoes works quite well
on, and I’ve just begun to put together icon packs for
people to use from the Roll20 marketplace. I'll provide a link to the
“Solar Echoes Alien Character Pack” as soon as they post it in
their marketplace!
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Tabletop RPG’s Online (part 3)
are many other computer and console games that have tried to emulate
the table-top environment, and there is even a new D&D game
coming to consoles soon that allows one player to be the Game-master
(GM), enabling him to invisibly move around and spawn monsters and
traps, or even possess NPC’s for dialogue interaction, much like
Neverwinter Nights did. Yet this still doesn’t quite accomplish the
open-ended, imagination’s-the-limit quality of a true table-top
game. I continually encounter people that tell me they used to play
table-top RPG’s, but they explain they just don’t have the time
to get together with people anymore. Thankfully, someone recognized
this trend and there is a now another option for RPG players:!
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Tabletop RPG’s Online (part 2)
though Neverwinter Nights was robust and offered many options, it
still had it’s limitations because players could only operate in
the pre-programmed game environments I’d built beforehand.
Improvisation is really at the heart of role-playing games, and a
video game is somewhat restricted by the need to pre-build
everything. For instance, I had once built a large town with immense
detail, and in one particular spot at the port, there was a ship with
pirates walking around on deck. If the players talked with them, or
even tried to steal something from the crates the pirates were
unloading to the dock, the pirates would react. I did not anticipate,
though, that the players would try to sneak into the lower decks of
the ship, and when they tried, I realized there was nothing I could
do—I had not yet built and programmed in a lower deck for the ship.
The pirate ship was, after all, just a peripheral thing I’d added
in for overall flavor. If this had been a tabletop game, however, I
could have improvised and described the lower decks in great detail,
drawing out an impromptu deck design on a fold-out battle map with a
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