Though there has been some outrage and
opposition to government and corporate information gathering
practices, are we becoming too complacent with our right to privacy?
Social media and other technologies have resulted in a gradual
unraveling of our privacy, and we're collectively beginning to accept
it as the “norm.” Government, corporations, and hackers alike
have all been seizing upon the opportunity afforded to them to invade
our privacy—we are far too open and trusting with technology these
days. Computers, smart phones, game consoles, tablets, etc. are all
programmed to jump on the nearest internet signal they can find,
which means that anyone that wants your information has an open door
to it. The current system isn't sustainable if we continue to place
ourselves out in the open as targets for information gatherers. In
Solar Echoes, I envision a future where the internet has become far
less connected—many “intra-nets” of separated systems—all
designed to protect the public against a powerful foe that uses
digital information to subjugate and control. Perhaps we might
eventually have to follow the same path?
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