Friday, December 5, 2014

Space Opera and Science-Fiction (part 5)

So which do you prefer? Space Opera, Hard sci-fi, or a mixture of both? Hard sci-fi can fall into the trap of becoming too realistic, where much of the time is spent detailing things in order to give them realistic legitimacy. A similar problem in Space Opera is the tendency to spend time explaining things to justify the absurdities. However, with Space Opera, it is easier to let things go and let the imagination run wild, as long as a fair level of consistency is maintained throughout. Hard sci-fi is less forgiving, for fans of the genre may have extreme difficulty getting past even a small inconsistency. While we tried to maintain realistic consistency in some areas of Solar Echoes (weapon damage, wounds penalties from suffered damage, armor, vehicle and robot degradation when damaged, etc.) we also took a few liberties in other areas that we felt balanced the game more towards fun (healing nanites can remove some wound penalties, cloning can give your character another chance if your character dies, etc.) In the end, we wanted Solar Echoes to feel realistic and fair, but to encourage fun adventures and creative tactical choices.

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