Friday, December 12, 2014

Discovering Alien Life in an Unexpected Form (part 5)

The concept of aliens uploading their consciousness to a computer isn't a new one. In fact, back when we wrote Solar Echoes from 2010 to 2012, I designed one of the game's main villains, and they have done just that. Without divulging too much about this terrifying foe (you can read more in the Mission Controller's Guide if you'd like—we prefer to let players be surprised as they discover information about them in the game), suffice it to say that they are a race of machines. The aliens saw the benefits of existing in a digital form and the entire race has been uploaded. The history surrounding this event is something for players to discover, as are the aliens' methods and goals. If we consider the path that we are already on with technology these days, it is easy to conclude that we may one day extend our lives by integrating ourselves with computers and robotics. If there is an advanced alien civilization out there in space somewhere, it is even more likely that they have already done so!

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