Monday, April 28, 2014

What have we learned from sci-fi? (part 1)

Be afraid of AI and robots! Isaac Asimov's story, “I, Robot” showed us that, despite programming efforts to encode a set of laws, AI can find a way. “The Terminator” showed us that Skynet, an artificial intelligence defense system, was first built as a "Global Digital Defense Network" and given command over all computerized military hardware and systems. Skynet eventually concluded all humans were a threat, not just those it was programmed to protect, and sent its robots out to destroy the entire human race. In “The Matrix,” the human race has already been subdued by an AI system and forced into unconscious slavery. Yet despite all these and many other great stories and movies, we are still moving steadily ahead on the same path, giving our military drones more and more autonomy, developing AI's to conduct warfare for us, and developing towards the point that AI will become more intelligent than humans by 2029. Haven't we learned anything from sci-fi? We'd better, before it's too late...

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