Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What concepts from science fiction are becoming reality? (part 2)

A sci-fi short-story that I wrote back in high school, over 20 years ago, featured a device I called the “PS-TV,” short for “Plexi-Screen TV.” Imagine a fruit roll-up (if you remember those from the 80's) or a thin piece of flexible plastic you could roll easily into a tube. The piece of plastic would actually be a digital display, and in my story, people unrolled the screens to watch TV, then rolled them back up and stuck them in their pockets when finished. This technology has been developed during the last few years--just look up “flexible screen TV's,” “flexible OLED,” or “Willow Glass.” Before high-school in the early 80's, I remember making notes about an idea I had for a 1st-person video game where you could look around you, see your own hands gripping a sword and shield, and embark on an epic adventure from this viewpoint. Today, such things are finally being explored in the video game industry through the Oculus Rift and Sony's Project Morpheus.

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