Thursday, April 11, 2019

Genre Popularity and Sci-fi (Part 4)

How is science fiction doing, as a genre? Sci-fi severely dwindled in popularity several decades ago, with Hollywood studios being very unlikely to produce films in the genre because of low returns. However, there has been a steady resurgence in public interest lately. As a comparison, in 2008, 41.4 million people watched sci-fi TV shows. In 2013, 47.58 million people were watching sci-fi. When considering total market share among movie genres each year, there has been a general upward trend with sci-fi. For example, in 1995, only 14 sci-fi movies were released and grossed only 6.45% of total market share. However, in 2015, 40 different sci-fi movies were released and grossed 25.95% of total market share. In the last 3 years, from 2016 through 2018, an average of 37.6 movies released each year, but market share has dropped to an average of 13%. Perhaps the dwindling enthusiasm for recent Star Wars movies has had some effect, but sci-fi as a genre still seems to be holding fairly strong among other genres.

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