Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Genre Popularity and Sci-fi (Part 3)

However, if you and your movie date are both sci-fi fans, the dilemma doesn't end there. Though my wife is a big fan of sci-fi, she once said, “There's nothing better than good sci-fi, but nothing worse than bad sci-fi!” There are over 36 categories of science fiction, and these subgenres might further divide those that would consider themselves sci-fi fans. Some subgenres are even somewhat mutually exclusive of each-other. For instance, space operas involve concepts such as faster-than-light travel, starship dogfights, and aliens, while another sci-fi genre known as “hard sci-fi” has fans that absolutely detest any science fiction that isn't based on current scientific facts. Then there are more niche subgenres of sci-fi such as steampunk, space Westerns, cyberpunk, nano-punk, slipstream, and pulp sci-fi. Not to mention some more popular genres such as alien or robot invasion, superhero, post-apocalyptic, time travel, and even zombie sci-fi. With all of these choices making it difficult to navigate preferences, maybe it's best just sticking with a comedy film for the evening?

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