Tuesday, June 19, 2018

My VR Getaway (part 2)

In DriveClub, the game/simulator defaults you to a 1st-person point of view, which I liked the most. I couldn't see my entire body, but I could see my VR hands on the wheel and they responded as I moved them. I could look around me and see the interior of the car, and the view outside my car was framed by the unique window view of each car I drove. One of my favorite cars was a concept car that was a convertible, because it had the best view of the surrounding area. Driving at high speeds in VR is very exhilarating, and though I couldn't feel the air rushing past my face, I did feel an interesting rushing sensation in my ears and body. I never suffered VR sickness when sitting with the 1st person interior view, but when I tried out the chase cam (which put me in 3rd person view outside the car, floating slightly above and behind it), I did get queasy fast and decided I wouldn't be trying that again while my car was moving. Sometimes I'd take a corner too fast or try to nudge my way past another competing car in the race, and my vehicle would spin out of control. A year ago, I lost control of my own car on a rainy road as I turned a sharp corner, and my car spun around twice (nobody was injured and I only scraped my bumper on the burm, thankfully!) Amazingly, though, I felt that same exact sensation when I lost control of my virtual car in DriveClub and spun out of control!

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