Thursday, June 13, 2019

Star Legation: Alien Languages (part 4)

Creating an alien language was something I'd thankfully already spent some time on several years ago when I wrote a Solar Echoes novel. However, because of the amount of dialogue in The Star Legation, I needed to expand the language past the short conversations from the novel. I've found several different languages to model these fictional languages after, based on the sounds that I felt the aliens would make. The Chiraktis language involves many more consonants than vowels, with more “hard” consonants than soft. There is an overuse of certain letters and sounds as well, because I imagined the Chiraktis language would sound more like a series of clicks occassionally interspersed with vowels. To give you a small example, here is a sentence in Chiraktis: “Kch oi klekchi tcha e trz'ekok zich och chet'rik.” Try speaking this and you'll hear what I mean about the clicking and hard consonant sounds. The Krissethi language won't be used as much, because most of them speak Universal well, but here are two short phrases in reptilian Krissethi, ”Helitacha gushada!” and ”Croshath dah jira sahag.”

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