Friday, March 14, 2014

The Formation of the InterStellar Union (part 5)

Criminal organizations in the Solar Echoes universe are a constant threat, and their power is steadily growing. Space is expansive, and criminals thrive in the far reaches of its unexplored regions. As planetary populations grow and expand outward, so does the reach of the ISU, but criminals always manage to find new planets, moons, and even asteroids to hide their operations. Anomalies such as dark nebulae have been used by criminals hiding massive operations within the dark clouds. The Union Guard has their hands full, and rumors of new threats at the edge of known space have created an even larger push for the strengthening of UG forces. Maintaining law and order in the endless expanse of outer space is considered by many to be a losing battle, which is why most people looking for a safe and civilized life stay within the core territories. As a Union Guard agent, you will not have that luxury—the dangers of deep space and the criminal underworld are waiting!

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