Thursday, March 6, 2014

Be Prepared for the Robot Apocalypse (part 4)

“Confuse Robot Sensors” is a very useful skill to have in Solar Echoes, and it can be a useful skill for us to understand, too, as we prepare for the upcoming Robot Apocalypse. Even a vague understanding of a robot's pathfinding algorithms is useful when eluding a pursuing metal monstrosity. Robots have a very difficult time moving through clutter—it confuses them—so make lots of obstacles for them. Spread garbage, knock down chairs, scatter clothes, and use anything else you can find that will obstruct a robot's direct path to you. Run in zig-zag patterns to make the robot constantly adjust its movement. While it may be able to think faster than you, it is still a machine and is much more limited in movement. Although many robots can climb steps, very few can currently run up steps and keep their balance. You don't have to be an expert at parkour to elude a pursuing robot, but if you just run in a straight line, you deserve what you get in the end. We've all seen what happens when some guy in the movies fails to outrun something when he could have just deviated his path to the left or right. Don't be that guy!

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