Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Markets and Economies in Solar Echoes (part 2)

Throughout the development of your character in Solar Echoes, you will find a variety of ways to spend money. At first, mission rewards and the sale of unwanted items found on missions can provide enough credits (the standard form of money in Solar Echoes) to buy new armor, weapons, and other items. However, larger purchases can be made later in the game, such as the purchase and customization of starships and possibly even your own orbital space station! But credits aren't just given away in Solar Echoes—characters would do well to invest in the stock markets on different worlds to enhance the money they are paid by the Union Guard for their work. In the Mission Controller's Guide, details are provided for several different investment types and their potential monthly gains and losses. Interest rates on loans from banks or loan sharks are provided, as well as the interest rate on fixed-rate investments. Of course, playing the stock market is the best way to grow your money, but unlike fixed-rate investments, the risks and rewards are determined by the simple roll of a six-sided die. It's gambling in its simplest form, but despite all the theories and strategies investors use to navigate the fluctuating stock market of today, sometimes stock behavior really does feel like it is determined by “the luck of the die.”

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