Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Mark Your Calendars: 2/4/2022!

I've been silent for the past 2 years, but very, very busy working on three big projects for you! I'm releasing all three of them on Friday, February 4!

The Star Legation:

Immerse yourself in a choice-driven visual novel space adventure with an epic, branching story where your choices really matter! You play as the unlikely representative of the human race, Trey Donovan, and will customize his skills for a journey through space with an alien crew. Your mission: visit strange new worlds and convince powerful alien leaders to join the Interstellar Union. Can you brave the dangers of space, survive deadly battles, navigate delicate diplomatic encounters, and manage your own bizarre alien crew? Build relationships with memorable characters and develop reputations with each that will alter the course of the story, including a possible romance across the stars!

Available on Steam and for $14.99


Solar Echoes Player's Guide, 2nd Edition

The Solar Echoes Player's Guide is the core rulebook for Solar Echoes, a sci-fi tabletop role-playing game that uses a fast moving, no-initiative rules system set in a vast, alien universe. Choose from 7 different alien races and build a team of agents for a variety of challenges, including squad combat, starship battles, car chases, and even dialogue and hacking encounters.

This book has been updated with tons of full-color art, corrections, game improvements, and updated full color icons!

When it releases, look for it on DriveThruRPG



Whispers of the Voidsea

Meet Brad Walsh, a newly recruited human colonist that has become an agent of the Union Guard. He must learn to work with and manage a challenging team of bizarre aliens as they discover a sinister, shadowy organization aiming to shatter the very balance that holds all their worlds together in union. Can Brad's team stop events that could stir the wrath of a powerful alien race--the same beings that claim responsibility for the creation of the Voidsea itself?

This novel will be availabe on Amazon for the Kindle, and paperback soon after!


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