Monday, January 29, 2018

What Have you done in an RPG? (part 1)

For everything you HAVE done, add 1 level. At the end of the week, total up your points and we'll see who our most experienced RPG player is! And, if you want to comment and share an experience, feel free to do so—it will be awesome to hear some of the crazy things you've done in an RPG!

1. Killed the main villain in 1 round
2. Died for doing something reckless and stupid
3. Fudged a dice roll to avoid tragedy
4. Was one of the victims in a TPK
5. Insisted on an action even when the GM was clearly trying to warn you away.
6. Spent hours looking through rulebooks for loopholes to design an unstoppable character
7. Decided that the main quest was boring, and improvised your own
8. Got your character thrown into prison
9. Ran ahead of your party and accidentally (or intentionally) aggro'd monsters
10. Successfully stole something from another character in your party

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