Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Societal Shifting (part 3)

Another aspect of our society that might shift is something that was already bound to happen someday—online shopping and deliveries becoming the standard. Why go to the store when you can pay a little extra to have it delivered? Many businesses have begun delivering when they didn't before, and the demand has created new jobs for people willing to run the deliveries. Uber and Amazon have both been looking at using automated drone systems, and these endeavors will only be encouraged by what has been happening with the pandemic. Although it is still years away, I think that 3D-printing will also become a part of our isolated future, where the deliveries of some purchases will become obsolete because we can just print the items we bought online through a 3D-printer at home. As there become more reasons to stay indoors, certain technologies will advance to the point that we will be encouraged to be even more isolated. We've already reduced the number of phone calls we make and exchanged talking with texting, so more isolation feels like the next natural stage of our society. During a pandemic, this is good practice. But is it what we want for our society in the future?

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