Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Alien lifeforms (part 3)

Plant life in the Solar Echoes universe can also be a dangerous threat to characters. The impaler hedge, for instance, reacts to the presence of another nearby organism by lashing out with its tangled branches, which are covered in thorns. The plant then feeds upon the blood spilled near its roots. Impaler hedges have spread to a number of planets, even those with unbreathable atmospheres. Though this plant is often more dangerous to smaller lifeforms, it can also be a significant threat to anyone wearing a spacesuit for protection against a harmful atmosphere. The hedge's thorns have been known to puncture holes in spacesuits, thereby subjecting the suit's occupant to the deadly contents of a planet's atmosphere. In addition to the impaler hedge, there are also a variety of deadly fungi in space. The Geurina Masinarta, or “Nightmare Fuzz,” is a fuzzy-looking, pale blue saprobic fungus that obtains nutrients from breaking down organic matter. This organism releases spores that, if inhaled, can produce acute hallucinations causing the victim to be seized by irrational phobias. Victims respond by attacking anything that moves, and are often seized by fits of coughing when engaging in increased physical activity such as an attack. Coughing fits dislodge spores from the lungs and spread them to anyone nearby. If left untreated, the spores will develop into the fungus and will eventually destroy the lung tissue, killing the victim and spreading until all remains are consumed.

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